Tibetan Mausoleums and Tombs
The appearance of ancient Tibetan mausoleum buildings is closely related to the transformation of ancient Tibetan funeral culture. According to the literature, the burial system was not practiced before the legendary Tibetan Zamp - gri-gum-btsan-po periods, so no mausoleum was built. From the time of gri-gum-btsan-po, the funeral system has transformed and burial has been implemented. Besides, records about the construction of the mausoleum have appeared in the text, which shows the mausoleum building art. Until the last king, Langdarma, of the Tubo Dynasty (9th century AD), every Zamp of Tubo dynasties built mausoleums and built special buildings for the dead on the tombs.
Tombs of Tibetan Kings of Tubo Kingdom
Tsetang of Shannan Prefecture, according to the legend, is the cradle of the Tibetan civilization, and gradually developed to the southward, advanced to the Chonggye area on the upper reaches of...


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