Home > Rivers of Tibet
Parlung Tsangpo River
Main Tributary of Yarlung Tsangpo River

As one of the main reaches of Yarlung Tsangpo River, Parlung Tsangpo River has two resources, in east it originates from Azha Gongla Glacier in the south of Ranwu Lake, Baxoi County, Chamdo (Changdu) Prefecture, the source is 4900 meters above sea level, in northwest it originates from Jiali County, Naqu Prefecture. Parlung Tsangpo River mainly flows through Boxi County, Nyingchi Area and flows into Yarlung Tsangpo River at the big curve of Yarlung Tsangpo River in Pailong Village, Nyingchi County.

Between Tongmai Town, Boxi County and Pailong Village, Nyingchi County, namely between Tongmai big curve and the first big curve on Parlung Tsangpo River, G318 Highway is exiting here that is the famous 27-km-long Tongmai-Pailong Highway on the south line of Sichuan-Tibet Highway. The traffic situation improved significantly after the bridge was built in 2016. This is the exit area for the water and gas passage on Indian Ocean. 

With a main river way length of 266 kilometers and a drop of 3360 meters, the drainage area of Parlung Tsangpo River is 28.631 thousands square kilometers, so it boasts abundant water resources. With superior natural conditions, warm and humid climate, rich precipitation, and developed agriculture, the drainage basin is the region with the richest resources in Tibet

The deepest point of Parlung Tsangpo Grand Canyon is 3555meters, which is 1.67 times of Grand Canyon Colorado (2133 meters) in America. Parlung Tsangpo Grand Canyon is the third deepest canyon in the world and is next to the first deepest canyon - Yarlung Tsangpo Grand Canyon (6009 meters) and the second deepest canyon - Kaligendag Grand Canyon (4403 meters) in Nepal.

There are many famous landscapes of eastern Tibet in the Drainage Area of Parlung Tsangpon River, such as Midui Glacier, Ranwu Lake, Yigong Lake, and so on.


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