Tibetan Hot Springs
Tibet boasts a vast region, spectacular landform and abundant resources. There are not only the unique scenery, the unique geological structure, but also hot springs, amazing natural landscape born from this unique geological structure. So the magical Tibet has gained the reputation of "hot spring mecca." There are rich kinds of Tibet hot springs, such as Highland Boiling Spring, Hot Water River, River Center Fountain, Boiling Mud Spring, Intermittent Fountain, Hydrothermal Explosion, Ground Heat Steaming, etc.. In addition to recuperating and curing diseases, most hot springs in Tibet boast magical legends and become the final destination for people.
Yangbajing Geothermal Energy
The geothermal energy is very rich in Lhasa, and the most famous geothermal energy field is Yangbajing Geothermal Energy. Covering 7000 square kilometers areas, Yangbajing Geothermal Energy is...
Hot Springs Group in Burugou Valley
With 4200 meters above sea level, Hot Springs Group in Burugou Valley is very famous in Linzhi (Nyingchi) Prefecture. It is about 8 kilometers from the hot spring to Nyangbo Village, Gongbo’...


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Los viajes a medida de Greatway están cuidadosamente diseñados para ofrecer una aventura cultural y natural personalizada y trekking en el Tíbet, China. Creamos experiencias extraordinarias y enriquecedoras solo para usted.